This NBS uses a special substrate (mixture of urban by –products) asfilter media to capture pollutants (NOx, PM, CO, benzene, toluene,etc.) form the air of underground parking without waste generation.This NBS uses a rhizodegradation process in which contaminants aredegraded in the rhizosphere (area of soil surrounding the roots ofthe plants) by means of microbial activity which is enhanced by thepresence of plant roots. That takes place in soil to the process.
Some of the benefits:
In the biofilter the contaminated air is introduced in the plenumchamber by a side inlet pipe. The air is injected through the pipe andthere are no additional physical distributors within the plenumchamber volume to control the air flow once it enters the chamber.The principal advantage of this design concept is its relativesimplicity and ease of construction.
This NBS creates a lot of modifications in the environment.
The urban garden bio-filter get the recovery of the investment between the 20 and the 50 years