Smart soils elaboration has a twofold purpose, on the one hand the used wasteis valued, minimizing the potential environmental impacts derived from poormanagement of them and, on the other hand, degraded soils are recoveredwithout excessive costs.
Components of the mixtures have different and individual characteristics,according to the final destination of the smart soil elaborated: depending ontheir fertilizing, structuring and water properties.
Smart soils derived from non-hazardous waste must comply the main functionsof the soils, be susceptible to evolve by soil formation processes and realize anefficient stabilization of the carbon in the soil and in the biomass.
Smart soils are used in recovery processes of degraded and / or contaminatedsoils and water, areas with rocky outcrops, covering of tailings, areas affected byurban works and urban / peri-urban infrastructures (such as roundabouts,roadsides and non-recreational garden areas), industrialized areas, mines andquarries or silvicultural soils degraded by erosion, fire or loss of productivecapacity, intensive forestry soils and non-food biomass crops.
Smart soils may be are made from residues coming from agrifood sludge andbiomass residues coming from different types of pruning (urban and non-urban)and other waste.
Specific bacteria can be added to the technosols so that they are releasedgradually. These bacteria are achieved by the Technosols be able to activelycapture NOx, performing the N cycle correctly, and improve availability to plants,developing their self-fertilizing capacity.