The Urban GreenUP ‘NBS Selection Tool’ has been designed to help local governments choose from the many NBS options in our NBS catalogue. This tool is a decision support tool – it’s designed to give suggestions that may help improve you choose the right NBS for you, based on both your city’s capabilities, and the outcomes you’d like to achieve. It can also be helpful in figuring out how to build your capacity to deliver NBS, and communicating to your leaders what it’ll take to get NBS happening in your city. We recommend filling it out alone first, then with your team, and finally with members of all the key teams in your organisation to get a truly useful set of recommendations. Doing this with your colleagues and executives not only means the advice is better – it will also provoke some really useful conversations!
The tool is available for free and can be downloaded below. For any questions, or if you’d like to share your results, feel free to contact
Please note that this tool may not function fully in older versions of Microsoft Excel.
Download NBS Selection Tool