Geographic information Systems (GIS) are important tools that assist in managing and analysing complex data, enabling zoning to be carried out relatively quickly and dynamically once the data is assembled. The guide identifies a range of open source and commercial GIS and suggests some examples that might be most helpful for zoning.
NBS are identified as approaches to meet specific need in a city, for example, a need to reduce flood risk or improve access to greenspace to increase rates of physical activity in areas of higher health deprivation. These needs are identified and categorised within the Eklipse Framework. Eklipse identifies ten challenges, including Climate Change. This framework is used in many EU Horizon 2020 projects, including Urban GreenUP
One approach to collating and assessing the data that might be gathered using measures of need (to address the challenges faced) and the functionality of the existing green infrastructure across the city is described in the guide. From these assessments assets and pinch points are identified. Pinch Points help to zone areas of activity for NBS.