Dear Reader,
The NBS world is dynamic and in continuous evolution, and so is URBAN GreenUP! Our project has successfully achieved the objectives set for the past months. The tendering process for the installation of the NBS is progressing very well and in the next months you will see them pop up in our Front-runner cities. Green façades, walls and roofs, floating gardens, parklets, urban forests, pollinator modules, sustainable urban drainage systems and more: the re-naturalisation has started, the transition towards bio-cities is happening!
On top of that, over the past two years URBAN GreenUP has become an acknowledged player in the NBS ecosystem. One example? The First World Forum on Urban Forests, hosted one year ago by our Follower City of Mantua. During the event we set the scene for the launch of the NBS Manifesto, which is available for everyone to sign it and hence foster the worldwide uptake of NBS. We have already collected many signatures, but the more we have, the better. If you haven’t done it already, please let me we invite you to sign the Manifesto and spread the word among your friends and colleagues, as big changes can only happen when everyone is on board!
But now let’s take a breath, rewind the tape and have a look at what happened in the URBAN GreenUP world over the past months.
Enjoy your reading!
Raúl Sánchez
URBAN GreenUP coordinator
CARTIF Technology Center