Dear {FirstName} {LastName},
We are glad to inform you that our project URBAN GreenUP, together with the EU-funded projects REMOURBAN, R2CITIES, CITyFiED, REMOURBAN and mySMARTLife will be collaborating with BY&FORCITIZENS, the conference about Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions which will be held in the city of Valladolid the 20th and 21st of September 2018. The event is organized by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León and CARTIF Technology Centre.
BY&FORCITIZENS is a forum to gain comprehensive insights into the opportunities and challenges brought by the development of Smart Regeneration of cities across Europe. This event is open to local and national authorities, representatives from the European Commission and INEA, as well as experts in city transformation strategies. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from and discuss different approaches to smart cities, circular economy, innovation ecosystems, re-naturing of cities and all actions which set citizens at the heart of city regeneration towards more sustainable and liveable environments.
The two days programme of panel debates will be completed by site visits and activities for citizens across the city of Valladolid. In parallel, the Enterprise Europe Network will be organising a brokerage session to facilitate the establishment of networks and new partnerships across projects.
We have the pleasure to invite you to join us in Valladolid.
For further information about the event, please visit the BY&FORCITIZENS website and follow us on REMOURBAN, R2CITIES, CITyFiED, mySMARTLife and URBAN GreenUP project websites and on Twitter through the #byforcitizens hashtag. Registration is available at this link .
We hope you can join us in Valladolid and that you can contribute to disseminate this event to all your stakeholders and colleagues.
Best regards,
URBAN GreenUP Secretariat