“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.” is a quote often attributed to Albert Einstein. But even in the case that the famous scientist never said it, the danger is real.
Because of their key role as pollinators, bees are among the most important species for the safeguard of the environment and hence our own survival. To raise awareness on the threat of their extinction, the 20th of May has been declared World Bee Day by the United Nations. And how will URBAN GreenUP contribute to this year’s World Bee Day? Through its #Flowers4Bees campaigns, which has the goal of raising people’s awareness of how important these yellow and black insects are for us!
The contest was launched in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 EFFECT project, which among other activities aims is to improve contracts related to the honey bee foraging support scheme, and to help farmers and bee-keepers creating flower fields to support pollinators, and particularly honey bees.
Join our Facebook group, where you can share with our community your pictures of flowers and bees! Will you post the most beautiful one?
And do not forget to do the same on your Twitter profile, we’ll be happy to retweet them from our channel. But do not forget to mention #Flowers4Bees, or we won’t be able to find you!