Liverpool City Council wants to hear views on proposed research into the impact of creating green corridors in:
- The Baltic area from Bold Street to Wapping Dock.
- Princes Park to Sefton Park to Otterspool Park and Promenade.
It's proposed that the EU funded project URBAN GreenUP will use nature-based solutions to improve the environment along each green corridor. Nature-based solutions use the environment and can be something as simple as planting a tree to provide shade in summer, improve habitats for animals and soak up surface water flooding.
Other examples of nature-based solutions include creating vertical green walls, green roofs, rain gardens and wildflower planting which make cities more pleasant places to live in.
Working with the University of Liverpool and the Mersey Forest, the city of Liverpool will test, monitor and measure the impact this work has on local people and businesses, as well as on the local air quality, surface water flooding, and the numbers and types of flowering plants and insects.
At the end of the project, the research will allow to assess which nature-based solutions work best and suggest cost-effective options for future projects in Liverpool.
All comments should be received by 4th June 2018.
Please visit the Liverpool City Council website to view the documents Liverpool is consulting, how to respond and to see the next drop-in consultation events.