The conference Nurturing nature for sustainable cities and regions will take place the 29th of May 2018 at the European Committee of the Regions, Room: JDE 52.
The aim of the conference is to look into innovative solutions which help implementing the Nature Directives when addressing pressing urban and regional challenges like flood protection, wellbeing and health, and the protection of our natural capital.
URBAN GreenUP's activities in Valladolid and Liverpool related to flood prevention, climate regulation, better social and health condition, initiatives for pollinators and citizen engagement will be presented during the event.
The European Commission aims to gather information on the regions' research and innovation (R&I) needs and on obstacles which may be hindering them from investing in nature-based solutions.
High-level speakers will come together, ranging from policy specialists of the European Commission and CoR members to hands-on best practice from Europe's regions.
This thematic seminar on Public Sector Innovation aims to raise awareness and foster exchange of information and best practice between the European Commission and the EU regions as well as among the regions themselves.
For more info visit the event page on the European Committee of the Regions website.