The target of this document is the definition of a catalogue of Nature Base Solutions (NBS) that include all the possible characteristics (technical, economic, environmental, and social) of each one of them.
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This report provides a useful tool for the standardisation of a method to identify and evaluate cities in respect of several societal city challenges. Such a tool will allow practitioners to be able to examine these challenges in a simple way with accurate information about how these challenges might affect cities and how and why cities might come to understand urban vulnerability as soon as possible.
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This deliverable investigates the experiences and approaches of the URBAN GreenUP cities with identifying the barriers and boundaries in terms of implementation of Nature Based Solutions.
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The objective of this deliverable is to deploy a diagnosis of the Valladolid city, with a detailed assessment and prioritization of the main environmental challenges.
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The Baseline to Valladolid is the first measurement of all the key performance indicators (KPIs) contemplated in the URBAN GreenUP project for the Valladolid Demo-Site. It allows knowing the indicators value before the planned actions execution and the comparison of the same indicators after the execution of the actions. Therefore, Baseline establishes the starting point of the Project and for every intervention.
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This report describes the technical and economic definition of the 42 interventions to be installed along the city of Valladolid, which include 36 Nature-Based solutions, NBS, and 6 Non-technical interventions.
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This document outlines the monitoring protocols proposed for the City of Valladolid URBAN GreenUP interventions.
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This report contents the procurement plan designed for the implementation of the interventions of the URBAN GreenUP project for Valladolid Demonstration (WP2).
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The following report sets out the ecological and socio-economic diagnosis undertaken for Liverpool. It presents an overview of the city’s social, economic and ecological resource base, as well as its current development context.
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Three demonstration areas, with a buffer that includes nearby schools, have been selected for the implementation phase of Urban GreenUP in Liverpool.
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The Technical Specification sets out details for each of the technical interventions and non-technical interventions in the three Liverpool demonstration areas.
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This document outlines the monitoring protocols proposed for the City of Liverpool URBAN GreenUP interventions.
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This report seeks to outline the way forward to procure the various Nature Based Solutions identified.
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The present deliverable provides a detailed assessment and prioritization of climate change related environmental and water challenges in the city of Izmir. This is based on a current background of urban issues framed by economic, social as well as physical factors.
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This document pinpoints the position of the sub-demo areas of Izmir implementation, summarizes the current situation and provides baseline values of the sub demo areas so as to support the evaluation process after the implementations are carried out. Detailed assessments of sub demo areas, their description, exact locations and NBS to be realized in these areas are detailed in the report.
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This report explains SUBDEMO’s interventions in detail for İzmir. The city of İzmir will become resistant to climate change effects with the replication of pilot nature based solutions (NBS) that will be implemented for the Urban GreenUP project.
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This document outlines the monitoring protocols proposed for the City of Izmir URBAN GreenUP interventions.
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This document contains fundamental information about the tender processes of NBSs to be implemented in Izmir sub demos in the scope of Urban GreenUP project.
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Summary This deliverable defines a set of KPIs (key Performance Indicators) that will be used to assess the methodology defined in Work Package 1 (WP1): renaturing city methodology and also in each demonstration city diagnosis and baseline being developed (WP2, Valladolid; WP3, Liverpool; WP4, Izmir), where the projected NBS (Nature Based Solutions) are related to both a challenge (below) and to KPIs.
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The global monitoring and evaluation of the Urban Greenup ICT platform is of importance and depends on the city KPI calculation platforms enabled and or developed for the different types of KPIs received from the respective partner cities' data and or model of systems and platforms.
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This deliverable aims to continue the definition of the Key Performance Indicators selected for the project URBAN GreenUP.
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This was developed according to the project’s values, key messages and characteristics. The logo developed for URBAN GreenUP is namely encompassing two basic ideas: ‘renaturing cities’ and ‘nature-based solutions’. URBAN GreenUP’s visual identity and logo have been developed to be used for internal and external project communications.
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The current report is aimed at providing evidence about the process followed in the URBAN GreenUP website development. The website structure was developed according to user-design experience patterns, which enable a simple and easy-to-use navigation path for online users and the URBAN GreenUP Community looking for the necessary resources about the project, the involved cities, the innovative solutions and news about the progress.
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This document presents the flyer developed for URBAN GreenUP. The goal of the flyer is to inform stakeholders of disparate key aspects of the project. Examples are: motivations, objectives and lines of action. It also gives a concise presentation of the cities involved in the project and reports the partners’ logos. The flyer will be distributed at relevant events to support the project’s dissemination activity.
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The current report is aimed at providing evidence about the URBAN GreenUP audio-visual approach implemented for the production of the Short Project Video. The video, as a communication product, is available on the URBAN GreenUP website and YouTube channel.
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