Vitória is the capital of Espírito Santo. It has 362,067 inhabitants and 96,5 km². It presents natural beauty and various ecosystems, such as the Atlantic Forest, mangroves, beaches, estuaries, islands and an unique geography, which is part of the identity, history and culture of the city and its people. Owns the 5th best National HDI and is the 3rd best capital in the country to live in.
Main environmental challenges faced by the city
Quality of the surrounding waters
Universal environmental sanitation
Control and reduction of air pollution
Degradation and deforestation of protected areasSalva
Mangrove conservation
Control of polluting effluents
Conservation and expansion of the municipality's native vegetation cover
Increased urban afforestation
Slope containment
Containment of marine erosion
Preserving the landscape
Environmental and health education
Waterproofing the urban soil
Growth in disordered urban occupation
Lack of connectivity between protected areas
NBS implemented or planned
Urban Master Plan:
Protection Plan for the Natural Landscape and Historic Buildings;
The requirement to execute a rainwater collection, storage and disposal system;
Afforestation in uncovered parking lots;
Housing close to shops and services to encourage walking or cycling.
Protected areas - Since the mid-1980s, Vitória has declared 71 areas as protected areas, 25 of which are islands, 9 are mangrove areas, 7 are reforestation areas, 12 are urban parks and 19 are protected areas. The Conservation Units have been created on the last four years: Environmental Protection Area (Turtle Shore), the first marine UC in the municipality, preserving the last and only remnant of this ecosystem in the Municipality and the Wildlife Refuge, with remnants of the Atlantic Forest;
Gardens, Squares, Urban Parks, flowerbeds and other green areas that add up to approximately 6 million m². In 2020, 599 trees were planted;
Urban afforestation has 35,600 trees planted.