Kifissia is a city in Greece with 71,259 citizens and 2,095.85 person/km2 population density. and is situated 12 km northeast of Athens city centre. The built-up area of Kifissia is continuous with those of the neighbouring suburbs. Kifissia is a green suburb with many parks and tree-lined streets.
Main environmental challenges faced by the city
The main environmental challenges that faces Kifissia includes air emissions from transport, over exploitation of water resources and forest fires.
NBS implemented or planned
- Parking area under a green park with bike sharing, saving water system, and car washing with biodegradable cleaning materials
- Voluntary reforestation actions of burned forest areas
- Parks, green spaces/resting areas, and tree lined streets are present around the city
Planned NBS: “Kifissos river in the modern age” this is funded program invitation. The aim of the proposed Project is: information, public awareness and engaging citizens in issues of environmental protection, submitting proposals for development policies and sustainable river management.