Hammam-Lif is a coastal town about 20 km south-east of Tunisia. It has been known since antiquity for its thermal springs originating in Mount Boukornine. Nowadays, Hammam-Lif covers 16,000 ha confined between the Mountain of Boukornine and the Mediterranean Sea. The City counts 42 518 inhabitants according to the Census of 2014.
Main environmental challenges faced by the city
- Sea pollution caused by many hotspots like the nearby Sea connected Meliane river recieving poor treated wastewater issued from Tunis southern suburb WWTP and industrial raw wastewaters.
- Accumulation of posidonia at the beach and its entrapment by a poor designed eight breakwaters constructed initially to protect the City from shore erosion and cyclones, sea level raising due to climate change.-inondation of the City by floods, excerbated by climate change, carrying out sediments from the mountain.-air pollution generated by the crossing of the City by the National Road N°1 and railway
NBS implemented or planned
- Implemented ecological public leisure garden at the tombolo behind the breakwater n°5. Use of wooden structures and spontanously grown plants found in-situ.
- Implemented eco-museum at Boukornine mountain
- Implemented public leisure area at the premise of Ain Zarga spring with an eco-museum and wild animal husbandry.
- To be implemented a green roof at the top of the Municipality building with use of solar and wind power generators.