Bragança is a 35341 population interior city in north-eastern Portugal and dates from the 11th century. Based on a 1173,6 km2 surface, half of is territory is protected natural area (the Montesinho Natural Park that has a unique biodiversity. It contains 80% of the mammals that exist in Portugal) and Bragança is a dynamic, attractive and modern city.
Main environmental challenges faced by the city
Bragança is an anchor of the regional economy, resisting the desertification of the hinterland, and concentrating public sector administration in the region. Economically the region still produces olive oil, grains, chestnuts and livestock, especially sheep. In recent years agriculture has suffered a decline with the abandonment of the villages and the aging of the rural population.
Bragança has been awarded every year the Green Flag reflecting its focus on sustainability and environmental education.
NBS implemented or planned
The city has not yet implement NBS but is going to learn about it via participating in the URBAN GreenUP Project