Aalborg Municipality has 215.000 inhabitants and the City of Aalborg 140.000 inhabitants. Aalborg is situated in the northern part of Denmark as the 'capital' of North Jutland, a city region with a strong university working closely together with green-tech, energy businesses, medico businesses among others. We have been through a transformation from a heavy industrial city into a knowledge-based cultural city.
Main environmental challenges faced by the city
- More and more often heavy rain is challenging our water management system.
- High water in the Limfjord is threatening to flood lower parts of the city. Especially in western storms where the water is pressed through the narrow stretch between Aalborg and Norresundby.
- Air pollution in some areas with heavy traffic in narrow urban spaces
- Noise from car traffic
- Earth contamination from the past when there were heavy industries in harbourfronts and the inner city.
- CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions caused by our production, traffic pattern, the building industry and everyday consumption
NBS implemented or planned
We are developing water management plans for our stream-systems. The biggest plan is the opening of Oesteraa Streem through the inner city. The stream has been running in open and underground canals for more than 120 years, but we do a project where we lead the stream through urban development areas and a park - as a recreational project as well as a climate adaptation and water environment project. We deal with other similar but smaller projects as well as a big effort in local drainage of rainwater in our urban development. We are dealing with coastal protection integrated with recreational projects as part of harbourfront projects
We do some big BRT-projects for upgrading public transport. 'Aalborg Plusbus' is the first one: 12 km east-west through the city with high ambitions for the functionality, design and urban spaces. Plusbus2 (yet only a vision) is seen as a supplement north-south through the city with potentials for changing behaviour and green transition of Aalborg.