Problems include poor open spaces due to urban depopulation, degraded urban environments that may pose a serious threat to human health, quality of life etc. Solutions will be implemented near the River Mersey, the city centre and the highway. These include:
- Re-naturing urbanization: green route, arboreal interventions, carbon capture
- Water interventions: SUDs, flood actions, rain gardens
- Singular GI: smart soils, pollinators, vertical GI, horizontal GI, pollutant filters
- Non-technical interventions: educational activity, engagement, city coaching, support activity
Thus, with these solutions, the following impacts will be expected:
- Renaturing urbanization
- Green route: It is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 484.3 tons of CO2 equivalent in total. 160000 citizens will be affected by all these per year.
- Arboreal interventions: It is expected to ultimately reduce the temperature by 2-4°C during summer and reduce the organic gas evaporative emissions and NOx emissions by 2% and 1% respectively. The CO2 equivalent level on the other hand is expected to reduce by 5.55 tons per year due to the presence of the trees. An estimated number of 30000 citizens will be affected by this intervention.
- Carbon capture: It is expected to reduce the ambient temperature by 2°C in the summertime.
- Water interventions
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs): It is expected to reduce the flood risk and be able to store 1500 m3 of rainwater, while providing a slower flow of water. It is also expected to improve the water quality and provide ecological/amenity benefits with regards to the surface water drainage network.
- Flood actions: It is expected to reduce flood risk and improve water quality.
- Rain gardens: It is expected to reduce rainwater problems (by capturing 125 m3 water per year). Moreover, it is also expected to reduce the ambient temperature by 2-3°C during the summer.
- Singular Green Infrastructure
- Smart soils: It is expected to improve the natural growth of GI and the functionality of the NBS by capturing 385 kg NO2 per year while avoiding the need for fertilizers
- Pollinators: It is expected to increase the pollinator habitat connectivity and the pollinator activity by 15% and by 45% respectively. Moreover, it is expected to attract 15000 visitors.
- Vertical Green Infrastructure: It is expected to ease transportation and reduce the heat island effect in the city. Furthermore, it is expected to generate opportunities for citizen engagement and education with a foreseen number of 250000 visitors/year.
- Horizontal Green Infrastructure: It is expected to maximise the ease of transportation and installation, and to minimise the need for external water irrigation and maintenance. Furthermore, it is expected to generate opportunities for citizen engagement and education concerning NBS in the city. 250000 visitors are expected to show up per year.
- Pollutant filters: It is expected to reduce the air-born particulates Pm1-PM10 and capture 87*106M particulates.
- Non-technical interventions
- Educational activity: Volunteer labour, active engagement and linking GI to school modules are expected to have 250 volunteers, 15000 citizens, and 500 students, respectively to participate in a year. Thus, the volunteer work in particular should reduce fuel displacement by 20%.
- Engagement: Engaging with the community through online and offline activities should allow 50000 visitors to participate and thereby increase their well-being. The Forest School concept on the other hand is expected to let 150 citizens participate and engage with the different faith communities in the city centre. Thirdly, by letting local stakeholders utilise a bio app, it is expected to allow 50000 more users to have an overall awareness of the local biodiversity. Lastly, with the help of the GI interventions, 250000 recipients are expected to benefit from them health-wise.
- City coaching: By implementing awareness activities across the city, 500000 recipients are expected to have ready access to the promotional materials on ecological reasoning and intelligence.
- Support activity: A new platform that showcases the overall aspect of the project, the promotion and the facilitation of developing green projects between the citizens and private companies, and the Liverpool City partners providing mentorship to our partners are expected to allow 250000 recipients to benefit from this joint venture on seeking NBS solutions.